- PH Body Levels Acid/Alkaline FoodsSource:http://www.relfe.com/health_natural/pH_human_body_balance_health_level_3.htmlAcid Foods & Beverages
- red meat
- poultry
- coffee!
- carbonated soft drinks
- alcohol
- nicotine
- eggs
- grains
- sugars
- white flour
- seafood/shellfish
- cheese
- mental stress
- toxic emotions
Alkaline Foods & Beverages
- Fruits
- vegetables (greens)
- nuts
- seeds
- legumes
- water
- milk
- yogurt
- herbal tea.
(Editor's Note: It is best if these are eaten raw)
A perfect ratio of acid pH daily is 80% alkaline and 20% acid in the form of grains. eggs and acidic fruits.
pH Values Of Different Drinks
- A popular brand of cola — 2.5. It takes 32 glasses of a 10.0 pH alkaline water to neutralize one can of cola)
- Diet soft drinks —3.2
- Popular brand beer — 4.7 pH.
- Distilled water —7.0 pH. Filtered tap water — 8.4 pH.
- Fresh vegetable juice (greens) — 8.9 pH.
- Alkaline water — 10.0 pH.
Blood with a pH value of 7.45 contains 64.9 % more oxygen than blood with a pH value of 7.3. An astounding difference for just a minor variance. Acidity of some soft drinks is caused by carbon dioxide, which is a waste product we breathe out. Carbonated beverages are a waste product, which the body rejects in the form of a burp. This is a double whammy. Not only do you shove a toxic residue down your throat when drinking them, these drinks are tilled with caramel coloring, phosphoric acid and ten tea spoons of sugar, which creates more of an acid environment and wipes out your immune system for up to four hours.
Human Body pH Fluid Values
- Stomach juice (hydrochloric acid) — 1.5 pH.
- Skin —4.7 pH.
- Saliva —7.1 pH.
- The cell — 7.1 pH.
- Blood —7.35 to 7.45 pH.
- Pancreatic juice — 8.8 pH.
When I talk about acidic or alkaline food, I am not talking I about how they taste. For example, oranges, lemons and limes taste acidic and have a pH of 3.5, but this acidity is generated by organic acids, which can all be burned away through digestion. However, inside these fruits there are alkaline minerals such as calcium, potassium and magnesium. Therefore, oranges, lemons and limes are considered to be an alkaline forming food. A large amount of potassium is found in organic soybeans, carrots, tomatoes and fruits such as apricots, avocados, bananas, dates, oranges and watermelon. Sodium and potassium also work with proteins, phos phates and carbonates to keep a proper balance be tween the amount of acid and alkaline in the blood.
Week 32
9-10-12 40 min.
9-11-12 1 hr. 20 min.
9-12-12 40 min.
9-13-12 1 hr.
9-14-12 40 min.
9-15-12 2 hrs.
9-16-12 2 hrs.
TOTAL 8 hrs. 20 min.
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