87% to 95% of the illnesses that plague us today are a direct result of our thought life. What we think about affects us physically and emotionally. It's an epidemic of toxic emotions. Quote on Dr. Leaf's website drleaf.com
The book is amazing! Brain food is a chapter. Do not use non-stick cooking spray. It is more toxic than pesticides and stays in one's body forever. Butter over margarine. Real fat. No cooked bad oils. Eggs have good cholesterol. Complex carbohydrates. Our heightened sense of one of our senses helps us remember. We should use visual diagrams that look like our brain that has good memory (a tree with many branches). It also helps to rotate the paper we are studying on and read in a circle. We remember by using both our right & left sides of our brains. One side of our brain is the big puzzle to separate pieces and the other side of our brain is separate pieces to the big puzzle. Also read with a ruler guide. It helps you not get tired, lost on the page & you will retain more.
Dr. Leaf's newer book is Who Switched Off Your Brain, Solving the Mystery of He Said/She Said.
Also it is probably the last time I buy a soft serve ice cream cake. I'll stick with the custard ones. Soft serve is loaded with chemicals, preservatives.
Week 13 Results (getting over virus)
5-2-2012 40 min.
Week 14 Results
5-7-12 1 hr.
5-8-12 2.5 hrs.
5-10-12 40 min.
5-11-12 30 min.
5-13-12 40 min.
TOTAL HRS. 5 hrs. 20 min.
Week 15 Results
5-14-12 40 min.
5-15-12 1.5 hrs.
5-16-12 40 min.
5-19-12 1 hr.
TOTAL HRS. 3 hrs. 50 min.
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