Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Dancing, Swimming, Stairs & Brain Function

It's been another year since I wrote a post. Still training 50 min. a week for the past two years. Also not ever getting bored with new "old school" video workouts. Did the Michelle Lemay hip-hop one today. (Copyright 1996, 46 min.). As we age it is a challenge for the brain and body to coordinate. I like her teaching style & need to do it many more times to get the choreography down. Also, the knee in jumping is something to be careful about.
Currently, Michelle is president and co-creator of Groove Temple TV, the media and technology company that combines today’s modern world of Fitness, Health, Music, Dance, Meditation and Technology with the ancient wisdom of Yoga. (Source: michellelemay.com) 
Does Dancing Improve Brain Function?
Psychology Today states: Two recent studies show how different types of practice allow dancers to achieve peak performance by blending cerebral and cognitive thought processes with muscle memory and ‘proprioception’ held in the cerebellum. Through regular aerobic training that incorporates some type of dance at least once a week anyone can maximize his or her brain function.
Does Swimming Improve Brain Function?
Researchers from Australia have made a surprising discovery: Simply steeping yourself in a pool of warm water increases blood flow in the brain. “We found that brain blood flow is higher when subjects were immersed in water up to the level of the heart compared to on land — laying the ground work for further investigation of its effects on cerebrovascular health,” said Dr. Howard Carter of University of Western Australia, School of Sport Science, whose new study appears in the American Journal of Physiology. (Source:medicaldaily.com)
Swimming moderately for one hour is the same as walking over 10,000 steps which is known to improve health.
Does Exercise Improve Brain Function?
Regular exercise changes the brain to improve memory, thinking skills. (Source: health.harvard.edu)
There are many workouts on the smart phone. Immortal Stair Training by Brenda Vance is one I discovered. I think it is a good aerobic, cardiovascular workout. What are some of your favorite workouts?

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