Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Calories Burned While Standing & Wk. 36-43

If you have a job as a cashier and stand for 7 hrs. you will burn 840 calories!

Wk. 36
3hrs. 40 min.

Wk. 37
4 hrs. 40 min.

Wk. 38
3 hrs. 20 min.

Wk. 39
5 hrs. 20 min.

Wk. 40
5 hrs. 20 min.

Wk. 41
8 hrs.

Wk. 42
5 hrs. 40 min.

Wk. 43
6 hrs. 40 min.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Fermentation Fest, Week 33-35 Results
Reedsburg Fermention Fest in Reedsburg, WI beginning today, Oct. 12th thru Oct. 21st, 2012

Didn't think about it but beer, wine, chocolate, yogurt, pickles are all fermented foods. Would like to hear thoughts, new ideas in fermentation.

Supplementing our diet with fermented foods offers us these health benefits:  it can help to reduce high cholesterol levels in our blood, it strengthens and supports our digestive and immune systems--- thereby helping our bodies to fight off and prevent diseases, like cancer.  (Source:

Week 33
9-17-12  40 min.
9-19-12  120 min.
9-22-12  120 min.
9-23-12  120 min.
Total 6 hrs. 40 min.

Week 34
9-25-12  40 min.
9-27-12  40 min.
9-29-12  120 min.
9-30-12  120 min.
Total 5 hrs. 20 min.

Week 35
10-2-12  40 min.
10-3-12  40 min.
Total 80 min.

Monday, September 17, 2012

PH Body Levels & Week 32 Results

PH Body Levels Acid/Alkaline Foods


Acid Foods & Beverages
  • red meat
  • poultry
  • coffee!
  • carbonated soft drinks
  • alcohol
  • nicotine
  • eggs
  • grains
  • sugars
  • white flour
  • seafood/shellfish
  • cheese
  • mental stress
  • toxic emotions
Alkaline Foods & Beverages
  • Fruits
  • vegetables (greens)
  • nuts
  • seeds
  • legumes
  • water
  • milk
  • yogurt
  • herbal tea.
(Editor's Note: It is best if these are eaten raw)
A perfect ratio of acid pH daily is 80% alkaline and 20% acid in the form of grains. eggs and acidic fruits.
pH Values Of Different Drinks
  • A popular brand of cola — 2.5. It takes 32 glasses of 10.0 pH alkaline water to neutralize one can of cola)
  • Diet soft drinks —3.2
  • Popular brand beer — 4.7 pH.
  • Distilled water —7.0 pH. Filtered tap water — 8.4 pH.
  • Fresh vegetable juice (greens) — 8.9 pH.
  • Alkaline water — 10.0 pH.
Blood with a pH value of 7.45 contains 64.9 % more oxygen than blood with a pH value of 7.3. An astounding difference for just a minor variance. Acidity of some soft drinks is caused by carbon dioxide, which is a waste product we breathe out. Carbonated beverages are a waste product, which the body rejects in the form of a burp. This is a double whammy. Not only do you shove a toxic residue down your throat when drinking them, these drinks are tilled with caramel coloring, phosphoric acid and ten tea spoons of sugar, which creates more of an acid envi­ronment and wipes out your immune system for up to four hours.
Human Body pH Fluid Values
  • Stomach juice (hydrochloric acid) — 1.5 pH.
  • Skin —4.7 pH.
  • Saliva —7.1 pH.
  • The cell — 7.1 pH.
  • Blood —7.35 to 7.45 pH.
  • Pancreatic juice — 8.8 pH.
When I talk about acidic or alkaline food, I am not talking I about how they taste. For example, oranges, lemons and limes taste acidic and have a pH of 3.5, but this acidity is generated by organic acids, which can all be burned away through digestion. However, inside these fruits there are alkaline minerals such as calcium, potassium and magnesium. Therefore, oranges, lemons and limes are considered to be an alkaline forming food. A large amount of potassium is found in organic soybeans, carrots, tomatoes and fruits such as apricots, avocados, bananas, dates, oranges and watermelon. Sodium and potassium also work with proteins, phos phates and carbonates to keep a proper balance be tween the amount of acid and alkaline in the blood.

Week 32
9-10-12   40 min.
9-11-12   1 hr. 20 min.
9-12-12   40 min.
9-13-12   1 hr.
9-14-12   40 min.
9-15-12   2 hrs.
9-16-12   2 hrs.
TOTAL   8 hrs. 20 min.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Almond Milk vs. Skim Milk in Calories

Skim milk, even though it has less calories then whole milk, has more calories then almond milk. Almond milk offers the benefit of not having any cholesterol, saturated fat or sodium, while skim milk does have at least 5 mg of cholesterol and 130mg of sodium.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Dr. Oz Cheat Sheet Re-start Our Organs & Week 30/31 Results

I never really watch Dr. Oz but this was an amazing show today on how to restore all of our body organs. Dr. Oz got a lot of info out in one show. Here is a cheat sheet. If I see more shows or tape them I will either be bomb-barded with too much info or be really healthy. Tomorrow is Michelle Obama.

Week 30
8-27-12   40 min.
8-28-12   40 min.
8-29-12   40 min.
8-30-12   40 min.
9-1-12     2 hrs.
9-2-12     1 hrs.

Week 31
9-4-12   2 hrs.
9-6-12  30 min.
9-7-12  60 min.
9-8-12  30 min.
9-9-12  2 hrs.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Healthy Lunch & Former President Bill Clinton is Vegan, Healthy Giving at The Clinton Foundation

For lunch switch to a Flat Out whole grain wrap filled with turkey & fresh veges, can also put in the George Foreman. 
Just heard that Bill Clinton has been vegan for a while and is the weight he was when he graduated high school! Check out the Clinton Foundation to see how you can contribute to promote healthy living.

PJ's Advice from his book Take It Off keep It Off

Thought I'd share what I saw on the Anderson show (ABC) yesterday. PJ's book Take It Off keep It Off was discussed. He is a trainer who purposely gained 90 lbs. then lost it to feel the emotional connection to people who need to lose weight. Anyway they showed a bran muffin & small milk latte drink neither item looked big but there were over 1,000 calories in them, to work that off, you would have to walk 4 hrs. & 45 min.!
Also, PJ's Top 3 Secrets to Losing Weight the Healthy Way
Cardio - 15 min. every day
Fuel - 3 meals, 2 snacks, lots of water
Weight - 4 afternoons per wk. 50 min. of lifting weights

Monday, August 27, 2012

Enzymes in Food / Week 26-29

A diet rich in enzymes can increase energy and stamina, as well as support weight loss, healthy skin, and overall good health.

Papayas, Pineapples, Sprouts, Raw Nuts & Seeds, Raw Fruits & Veges are all good sources.

Read more:

Week 26
7-30-12    40 min.
7-31-12    40 min.
8-2-12      40 min.
TOTAL   2 hrs.

Week 27
8-6-12     70 min.
8-8-12     40 min.
8-9-12     40 min.
8-10-12   40 min.
TOTAL 3 hrs. 10 min.

Week 28
8-13-12    120 min.
8-14-12      40 min.
8-15-12      40 min.
8-16-12      40 min.
8-17-12      40 min.
TOTAL 4 hrs. 40 min.

Week 29
8-20-12   1 hr.
8-21-12   40 min.
8-23-12   40 min.
8-24-12   40 min.
8-25-12   40 min.
8-26-12   40 min.
TOTAL 4 hrs. 20 min.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Basic Tae Bo, Everyday Cal Burners, Wk. 23-25 Results

30 min. Video archive 1998, great for love handles, core, thighs, buttocks & boxing.

Source: Discovery Fit & Health

20 Everyday calories burners

1. Shopping - 1 hour with cart up & down aisles = 243 cal.

2. Brushing Teeth - 2 min. = 5.7 cal.
3. Dusting - 30 min. = 80 cal.
4. kissing - 30 min. = 36 cal.
5. Ironing - 30 min. = 76.5 cal.
6. Painting rooms - 3 hrs. = 1,026 cal.
7. Laundry - 30 min. = 72 hrs.
8. Walking & Picking up trash outside - 4 hrs. = 1,800 cal.
9. Mopping - 30 min. = 153 cal.
10. Mowing - 1 hr. = 324 cal. Raking - 30 min. = 171 cal.
11. Playing Cards - 3 hrs. = 351 cal.
12. Dinner Prep - 30 min. = 74 cal.
13. Moving furniture - 1 hr. = 504 cal.
14. Shoveling snow - 30 min. = 202.5 cal.
15. Sweeping, Use Prop or Dance Partner - 10 min. = 28 cal.
16. Vacuuming - 20 min. = 56 cal.
17. Washing car - 20 min. = 102 cal.
18. Sleeping - 8 hrs. = 360 cal.
19. Gardening - 2 hrs. = 648+ cal.
20. T.V. Watching - 1 hr. = 72 cal. (I guess you're not eating then?)

Adapted from:


Helen Davies, Marjorie Dorfman, Mary Fons, Deborah Hawkins, Martin Hintz, Linnea Lundgren, David Priess, Julia Clark Robinson, Paul Seaburn, Heidi Stevens, and Steve Theunissen

Week 23
7-11-12  40 min.
7-12-12  40 min.
7-13-12  40 min.
7-14-12  30 min.
TOTAL 2 hrs. 30 min.

Week 24
7-16-12  40 min.
7-17-12  120 min.
7-20-12  80 min.
7-21-12  60 min.
7-22-12  60 min.
TOTAL 6 hrs.

Week 25 
7-26-12  40 min.
7-29-12  30 min.
TOTAL 1 hr. 10 min.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Is Agave Nectar Safe?

Found this link informative.

Is Agave Nectar Safe? | Natural Health & Organic Living Blog

Reasons to Give Up Aspartame

Aspartame is a non-calorie artificial sweetener comprised of methanol, phenylalanine and aspartic acid.  It is used in diet sodas and thousands of other products worldwide. Since it appeared on the US market in the 1980s, aspartame and the possible health risks from the substance have been a topic of much debate. Research has linked the sweetener to diabetes, fibromyalgia and certain forms of cancer. Here are some of the dangers of excessive aspartame consumption.


Studies have found a dangerous connection between aspartame consumption and the development of brain tumors. When aspartame breaks down it produces a substance called DKP. As your stomach digests DKP, it produces a chemical that induces the growth of brain tumors.


Aspartame consumption is extremely harmful to people with diabetes. It makes it more difficult to control sugar levels and aggravate diabetes-related conditions such as retinopathy, cataracts, neuropathy and gastroparesis. The sweetener also has been known to cause convulsions often mistaken for insulin reactions.

Psychological Disorders

Emotional and mood disorders have been linked to aspartame. Studies suggest that people with certain emotional problems are more sensitive to aspartame.  High levels of aspartame cause changes in the serotonin levels which can lead to behavioral problems, depression and other emotional disorders. In some cases, the side effects were so dangerous that doctors were forced to put an end to the studies.

Hinders Weight Loss

Aspartame can be found in diet sodas and most other diet products. However, research indicates that the sweetener increases your hunger and can actually impede your weight loss. Phenylalanine and aspartic acid can cause spikes in insulin levels and force your body to remove the glucose from your blood stream and store it as fat. Aspartame also inhibits the production of serotonin and prevents your brain from signalling to your body that you are full. This can lead to food cravings and make it more difficult for you to lose weight.

Birth Defects

Aspartame is an excitotoxin or a substance that has the potential to damage or kill cells in the nervous system. The blood-brain barrier is a structure that stops harmful substances from penetrating the brain. The barrier doesn't completely form until a child is one year old, therefore, before a child is born, its nervous system is vulnerable to any dangerous excitotoxins that the mother may consume. Too much exposure to phenylalanine or aspartic acid may cause irreversible brain damage and other serious birth defects.

Vision Problems

Methanol, one of Aspartame's components, can damage the retinas and the optic nerves. Aspartame consumption has been connected to eye pain, blurred vision and, in some cases, blindness.

Brain Damage and Seizures

Aspartame can change the chemistry of the brain. Formaldehyde, a product of methanol, gathers in certain areas of the brain causing degenerative diseases such as Parkinson's, Alzheimer's and ALS. Aspartame consumption can also trigger seizures in both epileptics and other individuals without a history of epilepsy.
Aspartame may contain fewer calories than sugar, however, the toxic sweetener has the potential to cause serious damage to the nervous system and in the worst case scenarios can be fatal.

More Studies Needed on Stevia

Although stevia sounds like a miracle herb, scientific research may suggest otherwise. Some scientists are concerned that stevia may be a mutagen, meaning that it could cause cancer. Steviahas also been linked to reproductive malfunction. Some of these studies have been imperfectly performed, but the need for more thorough analysis of the compound has certainly been demonstrated. Proponents of stevia suggest that these studies may be part of a larger effort on the part of sugar companies to keep alternatives to sugar off the market, pointing out that steviais widely used in South America and Asia with no noticeable ill effects. Given the argument over stevia, it would appear that more controlled studies are needed.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Stevia Information - Questions & Answers about Stevia & Week 21/22 Results

I've tried mate (strong tea) in Argentina. If stevia is extra sweet it would compliment mate. Below is a link to stevia info.

Stevia Information - Questions & Answers about Stevia

Week 21
6-25-12  40 min.
6-26-12  40 min.
6-27-12  40 min.
6-28-12  2 hrs.
6-30-12  30 min.
7-1-12  60 min.
TOTAL 4 hrs. 30 min.

Week 22
7-2-12  1 hr.
7-4-12  1 hr.
7-5-12  1 hr.
7-7-12  40 min.
TOTAL 3 hrs. 40 min.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Top 60 Most Strenuous Sports & Week 20 Results

Degree of Difficulty: Sport Rankings
Ice Hockey7.257.137.887.757.634.886.008.257.507.5071.7502
Martial Arts5.005.887.756.386.007.006.635.886.006.8863.3756
Skiing: Alpine5.
Water Polo7.886.636.885.386.385.004.256.386.255.6360.62511
Rodeo: Steer Wrestling4.007.007.883.884.885.007.886.885.134.0056.50015
Track and Field: Pole Vault3.386.887.256.135.387.006.634.255.253.7555.87516
Field Hockey6.754.505.386.005.754.633.755.006.636.5054.87517
Speed Skating7.637.257.388.884.004.254.504.632.883.5054.87517
Figure Skating6.385.256.635.136.888.254.884.003.134.2554.75019
Cycling: Distance9.636.386.255.133.752.635.886.883.004.8854.37520
Skiing: Freestyle4.135.134.885.136.636.886.635.134.133.8852.50025
Team Handball4.883.885.385.506.004.503.003.887.885.8850.75026
Cycling: Sprints4.256.137.887.504.002.884.754.503.634.5050.00027
Ski Jumping3.504.505.754.634.
Skiing: Nordic9.005.754.385.
Auto Racing5.883.502.631.632.751.759.884.388.007.5047.87532
Track and Field: High Jump3.
Track and Field: Long, Triple jumps4.005.637.136.755.005.752.753.254.003.1347.37534
Swimming (all strokes): Distance9.255.254.635.503.635.502.634.632.883.0046.87536
Track and Field: Sprints3.505.137.259.884.635.
Rodeo: Calf Roping3.135.385.004.255.633.884.883.756.383.7546.00040
Track and Field: Distance9.635.253.756.003.254.382.005.751.884.1346.00040
Rodeo: Bull/Bareback/Bronc Riding3.255.384.001.753.634.259.507.383.633.1345.87542
Track and Field: Middle Distance6.
Swimming (all strokes): Sprints4.
Water Skiing4.635.004.503.004.254.755.884.634.133.2544.00046
Table Tennis3.502.504.634.135.884.251.381.888.886.0043.00047
Track and Field: Weights3.257.889.
Horse Racing4.003.882.881.382.883.758.004.503.886.5041.62550
Roller Skating4.753.384.
source ESPN
Week 20 Results
6-19-12  40 min.
6-20-12  40 min.
6-21-12  1.5 hrs.
6-22-12  40 min.
6-23-12  2 hrs.
6-24-12  40 min.
TOTAL 6 hrs. 10 min. 

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Ecodrink & Week 19 Results

(photo from

Picked up Ecodrink at CostCo. All I was told was vitamins get to your body easier in powder vs. pill form. Tasted good. Website offers info that it provides: antioxidants, nutrients & electrolytes. Sounds good to me. Still unsure of how many electrolytes one needs or how much this product provides.

Week 19 Results
6-13-12  30 min.
6-14-12  40 min.
6-15-12  2 hrs.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

UV Light Mushrooms & Week 18 Results

Some Mushrooms we purchase have UV light added for Vit. D benefits
(following info from Wikapedia)
Mushrooms that have been exposed to ultraviolet (UV) light contain large amounts of vitamin D2.[19][20][21] Mushrooms, when exposed to UV light, convert ergosterol, a chemical found in large concentrations in many mushrooms, to vitamin D2. This is similar to the reaction in humans, whereVitamin D3 is synthesized after exposure to UV light.
Testing conducted by the Pennsylvania State University showed an hour of UV light exposure made a serving of mushrooms contain twice the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's daily recommendation of vitamin D. Testing by the Monterey Mushrooms Company demonstrated 5 minutes of UV light exposure made a serving of mushrooms contain four times the FDA's daily recommendation of vitamin D.[19] High performance liquid chromatography analysis has also demonstrated the effect sunlight has on mushroom vitamin D2 content.[22]
The ergocalciferol, vitamin D2, in UV-irradiated mushrooms is not the same form of vitamin D as is produced by UV-irradiation of human skin or animal skin, fur, or feathers (cholecalciferol, vitamin D3). Although vitamin D2 clearly has vitamin D activity in humans and formerly was widely used in milk fortification and in nutritional supplements, vitamin D3 is often used in dairy products.[23][24] However, any difference in vitamin D bioavailability from the two forms has been adequately disproved to allow reasonable assumption that D2 and D3 are equal for maintaining 25-hydroxyvitamin D status.[25

MushroomSunlight exposureVitamin D2 content (IU/100g)
ShiitakeNone10 — 100
ShiitakeGills down11,000
ShiitakeGills up46,000
ReishiPores up2,760
MaitakePores up31,900
Week 18 Results
6-4-12  40 min.
6-5-12  40 min.
6-6-12  40 min.
6-7-12  1 hr.
6-8-12  3 hrs.
6-10-12 40 min.